New Holland T6 Tractor with Trailer


The Britains New Holland T6.175 DYNAMIC COMMAND Tractor, which is made to tackle the most difficult tasks, is a farmer’s closest friend. This tractor is extremely well-detailed and has functional steering and large tread tyres. The well-known NC Dumper Trailer is fastened to the back so you may move your loads around the farm. The Britains model has a rear door that opens and shuts by a cross member, a motorised tilt tail door, and a spring drawbar. Additionally, it works with all of Britains’ tractors, providing lots of fun for playing.

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New Holland T6 Tractor with Trailer

  • Product Size 39.0 x 12.4 x 14.3 cm including packaging
  • Compatible with all Britains tractors
  • Big tread tyres and working steering wheel
  • Power tilt tail door
  • Age 3+

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